Madison, WI Header
File #: 86851    Version: 1 Name: Stormwater Code Update
Type: Ordinance Status: Report of Officer
File created: 1/23/2025 In control: BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS
On agenda: 3/11/2025 Final action:
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Amending various sections of Chapter 37 of the Madison General Ordinances related to Public Stormwater System, including Erosion Control, to update certain Stormwater Code provisions.
Sponsors: Nikki Conklin, John P. Guequierre
Attachments: 1. 86851 Body

Fiscal Note

The proposed changes to Chapter 37 of the Stormwater Code are not expected to have a direct fiscal impact on the City. No appropriation is required.


Amending various sections of Chapter 37 of the Madison General Ordinances related to Public Stormwater System, including Erosion Control, to update certain Stormwater Code provisions.


DRAFTER’S ANALYSIS:  This ordinance makes numerous changes to Chapter 37 to update the code requirements, as generally summarized as follows:


1)                     Updates to definitions for Green Infrastructure, Green Roof and Impervious Surface to clarify how these apply to requirements in the Stormwater Code.

2)                     Update to the definition of Greenway in Chapter 37 to match the requirements of Chapter 16.

3)                     Update to the definitions of Impervious and Pervious Surfaces to make the definitions consistent with the accepted stormwater utility credit policy and Chapter 28 with regard to open space.

4)                     Addition of an exemption for compliance with stormwater treatment requirements in the case of redevelopment. After using the redevelopment stormwater requirements that were added into Chapter 37 in June of 2020, it has been found that exemptions need to be added for cases of redevelopment where the site has high groundwater and/or contaminated ground water combined with the situation where a full building structure is not being redone (which often prohibits the use of a green roof or water reuse).

5)                     Clarification of conditions where a Privilege in Streets permit will be required for private storm sewer being installed in the Public Right of Way.

6)                     Addition of exemptions for peak detention, infiltration and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) for public properties open to the public for sports courts, trails and bike paths.

7)                     Clarification of how to calculate detention required in areas that had “plat level detention” that was provided at a lower level than is currently required.

8)                     Clarification of when an access drive requires control of TSS such that our code is consistent with the interpretation of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR).

9)                     Typo correction and minor edits and clarifications throughout the Stormwater Code.

10)                     These changes will go into effect on April 1, 2025.




Please see Legistar File No. 86851 Body in Attachments.