Fiscal Note
No expenditure is required to implement the boundary amendment. The change will potentially result in an increase in the number of applicants eligible for a Capital Revolving Fund loan. Each loan requires approval of the Common Council.
Amending the program boundary of the Madison Capital Revolving Fund (MCRF) loan program to include the corporate limit of the City of Madison.
WHEREAS, on May 19, 1987, the Common Council of the City of Madison adopted Resolution No. 43,531, I.D. No. 645 creating a program boundary, objectives and criteria to implement a Madison Capital Revolving Fund (MCRF) loan program to be administered by the Community Development Authority (CDA) to encourage business development and eliminate blighted properties within specific geographic areas within the City of Madison (see attached map); and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison authorized funding to create the MCRF program such that revolving principal and interest payments of loans authorized by the City of Madison and administered by the CDA would replenish the fund over time; and
WHEREAS, on September 19, 2000, the Common Council of the City of Madison adopted Resolution No. 57625, ID No. 28210 to accept the report of the CDA that amended the original policy objectives the following objectives for the program:
1) Encouraging the expansion of new and existing business enterprises that create jobs for unemployed and underemployed people.
2) Preserving and expanding the housing supply within the City, including market rate housing and affordable housing for low- and moderate-income households.
3) Redeveloping blighted and underutilized properties for uses consistent with a strategy for neighborhood and downtown revitalization
WHEREAS, the MCRF loan program generally provides short term (up to 7 years), low-interest loans in amounts ranging between $50,000 and 250,000, to qualified borrowers that achieve one or more of the program objectives; and
WHEREAS, since 2000, several projects located outside of the established program boundary have demonstrated potential to meet these program objectives but were unable to access the MCRF loan program due to their location; and
WHEREAS, expanding the program boundary would enable applicants to eliminate blight and create jobs anywhere within the corporate limit of the City and thereby achieve these objectives.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council of the City of Madison hereby declares that the objectives of the MCRF program are a public purpose of the City of Madison.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Madison hereby amends the MCRF program boundary to contain the corporate limit of the City of Madison.