Madison, WI Header
File #: 81155    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 11/15/2024 In control: Mayor's Office
On agenda: 12/10/2024 Final action: 12/10/2024
Enactment date: 12/13/2024 Enactment #: RES-24-00719
Title: Amending the 2024 Adopted Mayor’s Office Sustainability Improvements Project Capital Budget to accept a $20,232,335 grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) if awarded; authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the associated grant agreement with the U.S. EPA if awarded; authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to contract with sub-recipients Sustain Dane, Project Home, Urban Triage, and Operation Fresh Start if awarded, to implement the Climate Resilience Starts at Home: Growing Energy Efficiency, Indoor Air Quality, and Green Jobs in Madison, Wisconsin project.
Sponsors: Satya V. Rhodes-Conway, John P. Guequierre, MGR Govindarajan, Nikki Conklin, Nasra Wehelie
Attachments: 1. 121024_CC_public_comment.pdf
Related files: 82472

Fiscal Note

The proposed resolution amends the Sustainability Improvements Program capital budget to reflect the acceptance of a $20,232,335 grant, if awarded, from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) and authorizes the associated grant agreement with the U.S. EPA. If the grant is awarded, the resolution also authorizes non-competitively selected contracts with Sustain Dane ($10,564,940), Project Home ($3,565,135), Urban Triage ($1,163,842), and Operation Fresh Start ($2,356,814) as sub-recipients to implement the Climate Resilience Starts at Home: Growing Energy Efficiency, Indoor Air Quality, and Green Jobs in Madison, Wisconsin project. The remaining funding will cover staff time and contracts with local organizations for community engagement which will be determined through an RFP process at a later date. There is no city match requirement with the grant and no impact on the levy.



Amending the 2024 Adopted Mayor’s Office Sustainability Improvements Project Capital Budget to accept a $20,232,335 grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) if awarded; authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the associated grant agreement with the U.S. EPA if awarded; authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to contract with sub-recipients Sustain Dane, Project Home, Urban Triage, and Operation Fresh Start if awarded, to implement the Climate Resilience Starts at Home: Growing Energy Efficiency, Indoor Air Quality, and Green Jobs in Madison, Wisconsin project.



WHEREAS, in March of 2017, the Common Council adopted RES-17-00213 which called on the City to establish a goal for City of Madison operations and community to reach a goal of 100% renewable energy and net-zero greenhouse gas emissions; and,


WHEREAS, in March 2019, the Common Council of the City of Madison adopted RES-19-00267 the 100% Renewable Madison Report and set the goal of reaching 100% renewable energy and net zero carbon emissions for City operations by 2030 and community-wide by 2050; and,


WHEREAS, residential buildings are the source of nearly one fifth of community-wide greenhouse gas emissions in Madison in 2022; and,


WHEREAS, improving energy efficiency of residential buildings is a key strategy for cutting greenhouse gas emissions while reducing energy burden and improving affordability for Madison households; and,


WHEREAS, the City of Madison and local community-based organizations have a strong foundation of collaboration to advance energy-efficient, healthy, and resilient affordable housing through programs such as the Efficiency Navigator and Home Rehabilitation Programs; and,


WHEREAS, the City of Madison and local partners also have a demonstrated track record of providing early-career training to grow the local workforce with the skills and experience necessary to improve energy efficiency and decarbonizes buildings; and,


WHEREAS, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants program (Community Change Grants) aims to fund community-driven projects that address climate challenges and reduce pollution while benefiting disadvantaged communities; and,


WHEREAS, in April 2024, the Common Council adopted RES-24-00277 to support an application to the Community Change Grant program and enter into a statutory partnership agreement with Urban Triage in order to be eligible to apply to the program; and,


WHEREAS, in May 2024, the City submitted an application to the Community Change Grant program titled, "Climate Resilience Starts at Home: Growing Energy Efficiency, Indoor Air Quality, and Green Jobs in Madison, Wisconsin" (Climate Resilience Starts at Home); and,


WHEREAS, the Climate Resilience Starts at Home project will, if funded, provide energy-efficiency and healthy home upgrades to both single- and multi-family housing serving low-income residents, provide green workforce training, and create a robust network of ambassadors to facilitate community members' participation in this and other energy efficiency programs; and,


WHEREAS, this proposed project will use Community Change Grant funding to: 1) provide retrofits to improve energy efficiency and indoor air quality in single and multifamily affordable housing, 2) support green workforce training, and 3) create a robust network of ambassadors to facilitate community members' participation in this and other energy efficiency programs; and,


WHEREAS, project partners Sustain Dane, Project Home, Urban Triage, and Operation Fresh Start collaborated to develop the grant proposal and are committed to their roles and actions as described in the grant proposal; and,


WHEREAS, the City of Madison has successfully worked with all project partners in various capacities in the past; and,


WHEREAS, under MGO 4.26(4) a contract for purchase of services of more than $50,000 that was not competitively selected must be approved by the Common Council, and these contracts meet the exception in MGO 4.26(4)(a) 2 for a particular service is available from only one firm, because these contractors are identified by name in the approved grant application to the funding agency, so in order for the City to comply with the terms of the grant, only those firms can do this work; and,


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that, if awarded, the Common Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement and related paperwork with U.S. EPA and formally accept the $20,232,335 award described above.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, if awarded, Mayor’s Office Sustainability Improvements Project 2024 Adopted Capital Budget is amended to appropriate $20,232,335 for implementation of the Climate Resilience Starts at Home: Growing Energy Efficiency, Indoor Air Quality, and Green Jobs in Madison, Wisconsin project.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, if awarded, the Common Council authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a non-competitive contract with Sustain Dane, Inc. for the amount of $10,564,940 for the duration of the project period to provide services for the Climate Resilience Starts at Home project and funded by the U.S. EPA Community Change Grant award.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, if awarded, the Common Council authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a non-competitive contract with Project Home, Inc. for the amount of $3,565,135 for the duration of the project period to provide services for the Climate Resilience Starts at Home project and funded by the U.S. EPA Community Change Grant award.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, if awarded, the Common Council authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a non-competitive contract with Urban Triage, Inc. for the amount of $1,163,842 for the duration of the project period to provide services for the Climate Resilience Starts at Home project and funded by the U.S. EPA Community Change Grant award.


BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that, if awarded, the Common Council authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a non-competitive contract with Operation Fresh Start, Inc. for the amount of $2,356,814 for the duration of the project period to provide services for the Climate Resilience Starts at Home project and funded by the U.S. EPA Community Change Grant award.