Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution amends the Police Department’s 2017 Adopted Capital Budget by transferring $60,000 in GO Borrowing from the 2017 Sustainability Improvements capital project (Munis Project 11557) and $100,000 in GO Borrowing from the 2017 Police Building Improvements capital project (Munis Project 10953) to the Midtown District Station capital project (Munis Project 10390). The resolution also authorizes an additional $84,000 of GO Borrowing in for the Midtown District Station project. This resolution, if adopted, will bring the total authorized budget for the Midtown Station to $11,074,000. The additional funding is requested for the purpose of promoting the RESJI through a local labor component for the project.
Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for the Madison Police Department Midtown District Station and amending the 2017 Capital Budget to transfer existing authority between major projects and increase general obligation borrowing authority by $84,000 for the purpose of promoting the RESJI through a local labor component for the project.
WHEREAS the 2017 Capital Budget includes $8,061,695 (plus $600,000 of re-authorization) for Midtown District Police Station project; and
WHEREAS the total budget for this project is approximately $10,830,00 which includes land acquisition, design and project management fees, demolition and construction (and 8% contingency), move costs, furnishings, fixtures and equipment, IT and security; and,
WHEREAS this resolution approves the plans and specifications for the project and allows the project to be advertised and receive bids; and,
WHEREAS the project includes installing solar PV on the roof at an estimated cost of $60,000 which will require a transfer of budget authority from the Sustainability Improvements major project in the 2017 Engineering-Facilities Management capital budget; and,
WHEREAS based on project estimates, an additional $100,000 from a transfer of budget authority from the Police Building Improvements major project in the 2017 Police capital budget will be needed; and,
WHEREAS the project also includes installation of a large storm pipe on the site at an estimated cost of $103,000 which is being funded by the Stormwater Utility in the Rural to Urban major project in the 2017 Capital Budget; and,
WHEREAS, the RESJI committee has chosen the Midtown station as a RESJI project to pursue the use of local workforce utilization during construction of the new facility; and,
WHEREAS, The City of Madison has determined that this contract would advance the goals of the City through the introduction of local labor through targeted Apprentices and/or Pre-Apprentices Programs into the construction workforce. To accomplish that goal, the City is supplying funds (lump sum) to provide Apprentices and/or Pre-Apprentices to the Contractor for this project. In addition to the Contractor’s regular workforce, the Contractor or the Contractor’s subcontractors shall establish a goal of employing at least two (2) Apprentices or Pre-Apprentices of local labor through targeted Apprentices and/or Pre-Apprentices Programs for an approximate total of 2080 hours. The Contractor shall coordinate the hiring of these Apprentices and / or Pre-Apprentices through the City Project Manager and targeted Apprentices and/or Pre-Apprentices Programs; and,
WHEREAS, Payment shall be based upon the actual hours worked by the Apprentices or Pre-Apprentices on this contract, undertaken by the Contractor or subcontractor, that provides the Apprentices or Pre-Apprentices with work consistent with the apprenticeship, and for classroom training; and,
WHEREAS, The hours shall be documented by payroll summaries and submitted for the project, showing actual costs incurred (hours worked, wage and benefit cost) during construction; and,
WHEREAS, Total payment under this item shall be equal to the actual costs documented, not to exceed $84,000; and,
1) That the plans and specifications for Midtown District Station, be and are hereby approved.
2) That the Board of Public Works be and is hereby authorized to advertise and receive bids for said project.
3) That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign and grant easements or right-of-way release or procurement documents, maintenance agreements or encroachment agreements, as necessary and grant or accept dedication of lands and/or easements from/to the Developer/Owner for public improvements located outside of existing public fee title or easement right-of-ways.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $60,000 of general obligation borrowing authority from the Sustainability Improvements major project in the 2017 Engineering-Facilities Management capital budget and $100,000 of general obligation borrowing authority from Police Building Improvements in the 2017 Police capital budget is transferred to the Midtown District Station project in the Police capital budget per the fiscal note; and,
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the 2017 Capital Budget is hereby amended to add an additional $84,000 of general obligation borrowing authority to the Midtown District Station project for local labor utilization.