Fiscal Note
The Memorandum of Understanding provides for monthly rent payments of $3,181.25 for a minimum of five months and a maximum of eight months (totaling $15,906 to $25,450). Funds are available in Account No. CB33-58430-810499-00-53W0640.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the County of Dane providing for the City's short-term use of County-owned space within the City-County Building.
WHEREAS, the County of Dane ("County") owns 2,545 square feet of space on the ground floor of the City-County Building formerly occupied by its Child Support Services agency and designated as Room GR-12 (the "Space"); and
WHEREAS, the Space is currently surplus to the needs of the County; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison ("City") desires to rent and occupy the Space as temporary offices for some of the staff of the City Attorney's Office while the City undertakes ceiling, lighting and HVAC improvements to the City Attorney's Office located on the fourth floor of the City-County Building; and
WHEREAS, the terms of a Memorandum of Understanding have been negotiated between the City's Real Estate staff and the County.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the County of Dane ("County") for the short-term use of County-owned space within the City-County Building on the following terms and conditions:
1. The City of Madison ("City") will rent and occupy Room GR-12 of the City-County Building (the "Space") for a period of five months at a monthly rental rate of $3,181.25 (equal to $15.00 per sq. ft.), commencing on April 1, 2009. The Space is designated with cross-hatching on attached Exhibit A.
2. The City may continue to rent and occupy the Space for up to an additional three months on a month-to-month basis provided that it continues to pay monthly rent of $3,181.25 and provided it gives the County thirty-days written notice of its intention to vacate the Space prior to terminating the month-to-month tenancy.
3. All utilities, including but not limited to water, sewer, heat, and air conditioning; electrical services; and janitorial services shall be included in the rent.
4. The County will allow the City to install telephone and data/computer communication equipment in the Space, at locations to be agreed upon by the parties. The City will pay for the installation, use, maintenance and repair of all such installations.
5. The County will deliver the Space to the City in a clean and orderly condition, with floors vacuumed and damp mopped and desks and other surfaces dusted.