Fiscal Note
Adoption of the Resolution will not commit the Council to additional expenditures at this time, but represents a step toward significant potential impacts on future City capital and operating expenses. The continuing planning work may result in recommendations to implement a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) start-up system in the region. Future costs may be borne by a mix of Federal, State and Local dollars. Future extensions of the initial start-up BRT system may have additional impacts to City finances.
This Resolution authorizes continuation of high-capacity transit planning, acceptance of federal funds and authorizes Madison Metro to continue to administer the funding. City Planning Division staff estimate that the on-board survey work will require approximately one year to complete - at a total cost not to exceed $342,000. Funding sources for the on-board survey are a combination of Federal and State funds.
Planning staff resources will be reallocated to provide support for the Task Force without the need for additional expenditure. Any future expenditures associated with the project will require further Council approval.
On-Board Survey Work $171,000 $171,000 $342,000
Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an agreement with Cambridge Systematics, Inc. for conducting Metro Transit On-Board Survey work, to be co-signed by Dane County and the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation as needed, according to the terms of the Intergovernmental Agreement, and correcting RES-14-00793.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison adopted Resolution RES-14-00793 (ID #35856) on 11-18-14, authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute agreements with USDOT to amend a public transit capital grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation and matching funds from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) for continuing work on high-capacity transit planning, for the purpose of hiring a consultant to conduct a Metro Transit On-Board Survey, but was missing language to authorize the City to execute the contract with the consultant; and,
WHEREAS, the Federal Transit Administration has required additional work to support high-capacity transit planning (including the completion of an on-board survey for Metro Transit; and necessary updating and calibration of the travel demand forecasting model that supports these planning and evaluation activities); and,
WHEREAS, after a competitive procurement process administered by the City, the vendor selected to complete the on-board survey portion of the FTA-required work is Cambridge Systematics, Inc.; and,
WHEREAS, the total cost of the contract will include the amount of $342,000 for additional survey work. Federal Transit Administration has awarded the City of Madison $171,000 (to be matched with $171,000 WisDOT funds, already committed to the project) to conduct this work; and,
WHEREAS, the contract with Cambridge Systematics must also be signed by Dane County and WisDOT, as members along with the City of the "Madison Area Intergovernmental Transportation Consortium," and the entity receiving the federal funds in question;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MADISON, that the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Cambridge Systematics, Inc. for conducting Metro Transit On-Board Survey work as described herein, to be co-signed by Dane County and the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation.