Fiscal Note
This resolution authorizes an intergovernmental agreement governing the first phase of Public Health unification. As part of this process, a single director of public health will be hired, and a new joint board of health will create a plan for the transition to a more complete unification. Funding is available in the 2005 Adopted Operating Budget for the City's share of the new director position. Any recruiting and hiring costs will be shared by the City and County based upon equalized value. No net additional appropriation or impact upon cost controls is anticipated for 2005. Funding recommendations related to full unification will be incorporated into future year operating and capital budgets. Any other anticipated costs of unification will be apportioned between the City and the County based on equalized value, subject to approval of the Common Council and County Board.
Approving an intergovernmental agreement between the City of Madison and Dane County, to govern the first phase of the merger of the health agencies of the City and the County.
The Dane County Board of Supervisors, on May 20, 2004, and the Madison Common Council, on April 20, 2004, adopted similar resolutions authorizing the development of an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) for the merger of the Madison Public Health Department and the Dane County Division of Public Health.
The resolution of the Madison Common Council was Resolution No. 61447, ID #35762. The resolution of Dane County Board of Supervisors was Resolution No. 326, 03-04.
These resolutions set forth a series of items that were to be included in the intergovernmental agreement. Since that time, staff for the City of Madison and Dane County have met on numerous occasions to develop the intergovernmental agreement. That agreement is now before the Madison Common Council and the Dane County Board of Supervisors for adoption.
This IGA governs the first phase of the merger. An additional IGA must be developed to complete the merger. Under the First Phase IGA:
1. A joint board of health (Board of Health for Madison and Dane County, or BOHMDC) is created. The Board will operate the two health agencies until merger.
2. A single director of public health will be hired.
3. The Board is to create a plan for the transition to complete merger, which is to be accomplished no later than December 31, 2007.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Madison hereby adopts and approves the attached intergovernmental agreement governing the first phase of the transition to a merged City/County Public Health Department.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor of Madison and the Madison City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the attached intergovernmental agreement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney and Corporation Counsel and other staff of the City and County are to continue to work on an additional intergovernmental agreement to govern the full merger to a joint City-County Health Department.