Fiscal Note
The adopted 2017 Capital Budget for the Planning Division includes a $150,000 transfer from the General Fund for the Historic Preservation Plan (Project # 10064). The adopted 2016 Capital Budget accounts for a direct appropriation of $100,000 carried over from 2015. Although some background work for this project occurred in 2016, there were no expenditures and that amount was carried over into 2017, resulting in a total of $250,000 being available for this project in 2017.
Executing a Purchase of Services contract with Legacy Architecture, Inc. to assist in the preparation of the Historic Preservation Plan and associated activities.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison’s Comprehensive Plan (adopted in 2006) provides general goals, objectives, policies and implementation recommendations related to historic and cultural resources in the City; and
WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan recommends the retention of historic character in the downtown and older neighborhoods through numerous objectives including the education of residents, the inventory of historic resources, the retention of historic character, and other actions; and
WHEREAS, during the development of the Downtown Plan (adopted in 2012), several commissions stressed the need for a city-wide Historic Preservation Plan to establish the City’s historic preservation priorities and to confirm that the Historic Preservation Ordinance remains an effective tool to preserve the City’s historic resources; and
WHEREAS, in 2014, the Ad Hoc Landmarks Ordinance Review Committee was created to revise the Historic Preservation Ordinance, and during the first phase of their work, they and members of the public stressed the need for a City Historic Preservation Plan to guide the preservation program; and
WHEREAS, the 2016 Capital Budget required that any scope and Request for Proposals for expenditure of these funds be recommended by the Landmarks Commission before being submitted to the Common Council for approval; and
WHEREAS, on June 7, 2016, the Common Council adopted Resolution #42623 approving the Historic Preservation Plan Request for Proposals Scope of Services to update the Historic Preservation Ordinance for each local historic district, to collect and evaluate historic resources data, to develop and implement a public engagement strategy, and to develop a Historic Preservation Plan; and
WHEREAS, a Request for Proposals was issued in August 2016 and two responses were received and the selection team (comprised of representatives of the Planning Division, Economic Development Division, Landmarks Commission and Mayor’s Office) evaluated the proposals, interviewed the teams, and recommended the contract be awarded to Legacy Architecture, Inc.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council does hereby authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Purchase of Services contract with Legacy Architecture, Inc. to assist in the preparation of the Historic Preservation Plan and associated activities.
BE IT FURHTER RESOLVED, that the amount of this contract shall not exceed $210,000.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Planning Division staff is hereby authorized to utilize remaining funding in this Capital Budget project on supplies and activities necessary to support this effort subject to City purchasing /contracting policies and procedures.