Fiscal Note
The proposed reolution authorizes the transfer of the $25,000 Percent for Art allocation for the Metro Transit Facility (Munis project #10950) to the Reindahl Imagination Center/Library project (Munis project #17085). This transfer would bring the total available Percent for Art allocation for the Reindahl Imagination Center/Library project to $111,704. The proposed resolution further authorizes City staff to release a call for artist submissions for a public art piece for the Reindahl Imagination Center/Library project and for the Madison Arts Commission (MAC) to select three finalists from the submissions. The finalists will receive an honorarium in the amount of $1,500 each to be paid from the Percent for Art allocation. No additional City appropriation required.
Authorizing the process to select a public art feature for the Imagination Center at Reindahl Park and authority to transfer of $25,000 in Percent for Art Funds from the Metro Transit Satellite Facility to the Imagination Center (District 12 and District 17)
WHEREAS, the Common Council adopted Resolution, I.D. 30476 on March 19, 2002 adopting the Public Art Framework and Field Guide (the Framework) for Madison, Wisconsin and recommendations contained in the Framework; and
WHEREAS, the Framework recommends the Madison Arts Commission focus on City capital projects as a primary way to introduce public art into the life of the City; and
WHEREAS, the Common Council adopted Ordinance, I.D. 47273 on October 3, 2017 establishing the Percent for Art program which requires that one percent (1%) of the City's share of certain City public works projects be set aside to incorporate art into the project; and
WHEREAS, the 2024 Capital Budget includes $11,100,000 for development of the Imagination Center, a new library and community facility at 1818 Portage Rd in Reindahl Park; and
WHEREAS, the 2024 Capital Budget includes $11,009,000 for the remodel of the Metro Transit Satellite Facility at 3829 Hanson Rd; and
WHEREAS, it is estimated that the Imagination Center project will generate approximately $86,704 in Percent for Art Funds; and
WHEREAS, it is estimated that the Metro Transit Satellite Facility project will generate approximately $25,000 in Percent for Art Funds; and
WHEREAS, 4.30(5) of the Percent for Art ordinance allows for the Percent for Art Expenditure to be reallocated to an alternative site where the original project has limited public access; and
WHEREAS, the Metro Transit Satellite Facility is located in a remote industrial park and is inaccessible to the public; and
WHEREAS, the Imagination Center will be located in a public park on the North East side in District 12, bordering District 17, in an area which has few existing public art projects; and
WHEREAS, the Madison Public Libraries have consistently included the incorporation of public art in their facilities as a way to inspire curiosity and attract and engage their patrons; and
WHEREAS, the collaboration between the Library and Parks allows for the City to place a large-scale outdoor public art feature accessible to both park users and library patrons from all aldermanic districts, especially neighboring districts 12 and 17, and
WHEREAS, City staff are preparing to release a call for artists to submit their qualifications and interest for this project and the Madison Arts Commission will review those qualifications and choose up to three artists or teams of artists as finalists to prepare proposals for an art feature at Imagination Center; and
WHEREAS, these finalists will prepare and submit design concepts for second phase of the selection process and finalists will be paid an honorarium of up to $1,500 for creation of their design proposals; and
WHEREAS, the Public Art Framework requires public input and information sharing as part of all major public design projects, a broad spectrum of the community will be invited throughout the selection process, including open meetings of the Madison Arts Commission.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Department of Planning and Community and Economic Development is hereby authorized to advertise for qualified artists to submit their statements of interest and qualifications as the first phase of the artist selection process; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Madison Arts Commission will review applicant qualifications and select up to three semi-finalists to create artwork for the site; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Planning and Community and Economic Development is hereby authorized to pay the selected semi-finalists a design fee honorarium of $1,500 each; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Madison Arts Commission will select an artist or team and proposed design for the commission; and
BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED that the Madison Common Council will review the selected artist’s final design and authorize the execution of a contract with the artist prior to work commencing on this piece; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that $25,000 in Percent for Arts funds from the Metro Transit Satellite Facility will be transferred to increase the Percent for Art project budget for the Imagination Center at Reindahl Park.