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March 2025

Mar, 2025

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VACANCY Low or Moderate Income Representative
Two-year term. At least three citizen members shall be persons of low or moderate income, as low or moderate income is defined by the CDBG regulations.
10/15/2019     Mayor/Council Confirms
VACANCY Low or Moderate Income Representative10/2/2021     Mayor/Council Confirms
VACANCY Low or Moderate Income Representative
Two-year term. At least three citizen members shall be persons of low or moderate income, as low or moderate income is defined by the CDBG regulations.
3/9/2024     Mayor/Council Confirms
Angela K. Jones Minority Representative
Two-year term. At least one citizen member shall be a member of a minority as defined in Sec. 39.02(9)(a)7 of these ordinances.
Termed-out: 10/1/2026
7/20/2021 10/1/2026   Mayor/Council Confirms
Dina Nina Martinez-Rutherford Common Council Member
The terms of alderpersons shall expire with the expiration of their terms on the Common Council.
Termed-out: 4/15/2025
4/18/2023 4/15/2025 Mayor/Council Confirms
Jennifer H. Campbell Resident Member
Two-year term.
Termed-out: 10/1/2026
2/5/2019 10/1/2026   Mayor/Council Confirms
John P. Guequierre Common Council or Resident Member
One position must be filled by either an alderperson or a resident member.
Termed-out: 4/15/2025
2/13/2024 4/15/2025 Mayor/Council Confirms
Matthew J. Phair Second Alternate
One-year term.
Termed-out: 10/1/2025
8/1/2023 10/1/2025 Mayor/Council Confirms
Megan N. Miller First Alternate
One-year term.
Termed-out: 10/1/2025
12/6/2022 10/1/2025   Mayor/Council Confirms
Nikki Conklin Common Council Member
The terms of alderpersons shall expire with the expiration of their terms on the Common Council.
Termed-out: 4/15/2025
4/20/2021 4/15/2025 Mayor/Council Confirms
Tiffany D. Malone Resident Member
Two year term.
Termed-out: 10/1/2026
9/20/2022 10/1/2026   Mayor/Council Confirms
Madison General Ordinance Sec. 33.15 - Recommends policies, goals and objectives of the CDBG Program, after consultation with the mayor, to be approved by the Common Council; evaluates performance of contractors performing CDBG-funded activities, including obtaining such information as is reasonably necessary for such evaluation; and, at the discretion of the commission, makes recommendations to the mayor and Common Council regarding contract revisions, enforcement or terminations; review project and Local Options proposals for CDBG funding; recommends to the mayor and Common Council a budget for CDBG funding based upon assessment of the proposals, evaluation of performance on other city projects, city policies, goals, objectives, financial needs and commitments and upon the needs assessment by the Clearinghouse for Citizen Participation; recommend to the mayor and Common Council the allocation of any reprogrammed funds; and perform those functions delineated in Sec. 4.22 as regards the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. (Title of body changed from commission to committee per MGO Sec. 33.15, adopted 3-17-2009, effective 8-1-2009.)