From: Kerr, Julia Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:41 PM To: licensing Subject: FW: 1935 Monroe Street ALRC Can you include this in the packet for tonight's ALRC meeting? jsk -----Original Message----- From: Matthew Schultz [] Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 8:47 AM To: licensing Cc: Kerr, Julia Subject: 1935 Monroe Street ALRC Dear Committee members, I am sending this email in hopes that you will not grant a liquor license for the proposed store at 1935 Monroe Street. As almost five-year resident in the neighborhood, I feel strongly that the 1800 and 1900 blocks of Monroe street have become saturated with establishments offering alcohol purchases for carry-out. Granting such a license for a store with a business plan that caters primarily to the Football crowds is not only an unsustainable model, but one that will contribute negatively to the development of the area whose residents would rather work with the owners to get something that will be beneficial to the entire neighborhood. I and others also have concerns that the store's carry-out business model would not only increase liter problems in residential yards, streets, and alleys, but also increase potential underage drinking with the store's proximity to Edgewood collage students. Thank you for your time, Matt Schultz 1822 Madison Street