From:                              Jeff Arnold []

Sent:                               Monday, January 17, 2011 2:33 PM

To:                                   Christianson, Eric

Subject:                          Target Corporation Class A Liquor and Class A Beer Licens for 750 Hilldale Way (Legislative File ID 20920)


Mr. Christianson,


    I write to inform you that each of Hilldale Land Company LLC (the owner of the Hilldale Shopping Center) and HD Annex LLC (the owner of property adjacent to the Target Store property) fully support the referenced application by Target Corporation and urge the Alcohol License Review Committee to grant Target Corporation's application.

    Please call me if you have any questions.

Jeffrey S. Arnold

EVP, General Counsel and Secretary, Joseph Freed and Associates LLC

A Manager of the Manager of each of Hilldale Land Company LLC and HD Annex LLC

33 South State Street

Suite 400

Chicago, IL 60603-2805


Phone: (312) 675-5460

Fax: (312) 675-5555



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