From:                              Kay Cahill []

Sent:                               Monday, September 27, 2010 11:10 AM

To:                                   licensing

Subject:                          liquor license for 1935 Monroe St.


Kay Cahill

2119 Jefferson St.

Madison WI 5711

26 September 2010


To the Members of the Alcohol License Review Committee:


I am writing regarding the consideration of a license for a liquor store to be located at 1935 Monroe St. I live with my family at 2119 Jefferson St., 3 short blocks from that location. I am concerned that the presence of a liquor store will create substantial problems for neighborhood residents, and I do not see a benefit to our community in this license.


I have lived since 1993 within 1/4 mile of this location. We have a wonderful quality of life in this neighborhood, but we do have a couple of problems which are sometimes serious, both of which would be made worse by this liquor store. We frequently have drunken people in our neighborhood: this is associated with Badger football games, but also with the large population of students from both UW-Madison and Edgewood College who live in our neighborhood. Some of them are underage but manage to get alcohol anyway, and some are of age and can purchase alcohol for their friends. These inebriated people stumble drunkenly through our neighborhood; create noise, litter, and sometimes worse property damage; and are a hazard to themselves and others. I never expected to know by heart the numbers for both Madison Police and college security services. As I live on the route that would be walked between the Edgewood College dormitories and the proposed liquor store, the thought of even readier access to alcohol that would attract more such incidents is dismaying.


The other problem we experience at a higher rate than Madison as a whole is thefts from vehicles, according to the police department. These are crimes of opportunity, where an unlocked vehicle is burgled or a locked window is smashed to get at electronics or cash left in a car. The police tell us most of these crimes are to get a quick buck to purchase alcohol and drugs, and the inducement for even more such crime in the vicinity of a liquor store is obvious.


I do not believe the store would meet any need for the neighborhood. Wine and beer can already be purchased at several locations in walking distance. So the purpose of the store would really be to purvey more hard liquor and kegs of the type used at student parties. This will only add to burdens already experienced by this neighborhood without enhancing our quality of life in any respect. Property owners have rights, but there is a reason that liquor sales are regulated, and when we can see the downside well in advance, I feel it is the responsibility of the commission not to issue a license which will only result in more police calls and reduced quality of life.


Thank you,


Kay Cahill