Master City of Madison City of Madison Madison, WI 53703 File Number: 12535 File ID: 12535 File Type: Resolution Status: Reconsidered Business Version: 1 Reference: Controlling Body: COMMON COUNCIL Lead Referral: COMMON COUNCIL - File Created Date : 11/05/2008 DISCUSSION Creating an Ad Hoc Housing Diversity Planning Final Action: Committee File Name: Title: Creating an Ad Hoc Housing Diversity Planning Committee. Notes: CC Agenda Date: 12/02/2008 Agenda Number: 107. Sponsors: David J. Cieslewicz, Mark Clear, Tim Bruer and Brenda K. Konkel Enactment Date: 11/20/2008 Attachments: Enactment Number: RES-08-01045 Author: Hearing Date: Entered by: Published Date: History of Legislative File Action: Return Result: Date: Ver- Acting Body: Date: Sent To: Due Date: sion: 1 Referred for Introduction Mayor's Office 11/05/2008 Action Text: This Resolution was Referred for Introduction Notes: Common Council Meeting 11/18/08 1 COMMON 11/18/2008 Pass COUNCIL Refer to a future Meeting to Adopt COMMON COUNCIL 11/11/2008 A motion was made by Ald. Bruer, seconded by Ald. Clear, to Refer to a future Meeting to Adopt to the COMMON COUNCIL, due back on 11/18/2008. The motion passed by voice vote/other. Action Text: Notes: Adopt at the 11/18/08 Common Council Meeting. 1 COMMON COUNCIL 11/18/2008 Adopt Pass A motion was made by Ald. Bruer, seconded by Ald. Verveer, to Adopt. The motion passed by voice vote/other. Action Text: Notes: 1 Registrant(s) in support wishing to speak; 1 Registrant(s) in support not wishing to speak. 1 Clerk's Office 11/24/2008 Reconsider Action Text: This Resolution was Reconsider ID# 12535 is being placed on the 12/2/08 Common Council Agenda for reconsideration at the request of Ald. Konkel and Ald. Cnare. Notes: City of Madison Page 1 Printed on 12/2/2008 Master Continued (12535) 1 COMMON COUNCIL 12/02/2008 Text of Legislative File 12535 Fiscal Note No appropriation is required. Title Creating an Ad Hoc Housing Diversity Planning Committee. Body WHEREAS, Inclusionary Zoning has been in effect in the City of Madison since Feb. 14, 2004; and WHEREAS, the original intent of Inclusionary Zoning was to further the availability of the full range of housing choices for families of all income levels in all areas of the City of Madison. A full range of housing options promotes diverse and thriving neighborhoods, schools, and communities. It also aids the recruitment and retention of local businesses and their workforce, which are essential to the economic welfare of the City. This purpose can be accomplished by providing dwelling units for families with annual incomes less than the area median income; and WHEREAS, the promise and goals of IZ remain achievable and a must if the City is to grow economically and culturally; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Common Council hereby create an Ad Hoc Housing Diversity Planning Committee charged with developing recommendations to further the availability of the full range of housing choices for families of all income levels in all areas of the City of Madison; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Committee shall consist of seven members, including the names of five alderpersons and two other members. Members shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council. BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Committee is charged to engage with stakeholders to: * Develop recommendations to create and promote a diversity of housing choices for families and households of all income levels in all areas of the City of Madison. * Establish a process and timeline to implement recommendations. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Committee will target a completion of its report, including recommendations to the Common Council and the Mayor's Office, by May 1, 2009. City of Madison Page 2 Printed on 12/2/2008