From: Waidelich, Michael
Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 12:27 PM
To: Mikolajewski, Matthew; Yessa, Peggy
Subject: January 6th EDC Minutes


Hello Matt and/or Peggy,


Although it’s not a big deal, I just wanted to note a couple of clarifications to the minutes of the January 6th EDC meeting as they relate to the Downtown Plan Update presentation (Discussion Item 1).


-   At the end of the first paragraph, the February 1st meeting is (or now, was) a Plan Commission working session on the Downtown Plan.   While the public is welcome to attend, there’s no public participation component to this meeting---it’s an opportunity for the Plan Commission to discuss some of the issues I noted and provide feedback to staff.   So it’s nothing like the three rounds big public meetings held earlier.  There will be another of those also, but it’s not scheduled yet.


-   In the fourth paragraph, what I think I said was that we thought that preliminary downtown plan recommendations (as distinct from just “alternatives,” or “concepts for discussion,” etc.) would start becoming available in March-April as the Plan Commission discussed them and provided direction on what they wanted to recommend, but that a complete plan document with all the written narrative, background information, graphics, maps, etc. wouldn’t be available until later in the summer.   A subtle difference, perhaps, but I wouldn’t want to leave a misleading impression that a full written draft missing only the graphics was necessarily going to be available sooner.


-   In the sixth paragraph, it was the Isthmus 2020 Report that identified enhanced mass transit as a key to realizing the recommended significant amount of downtown employment growth.  Transport 2020 studied and recommended ways to provide this enhanced transit---and those efforts are continuing.



