From: Nelson, Larry
Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2008 8:18 AM
To: Wiesner, Randy; Hank, George; Schumacher, Al
Cc: Hacker, Marsha; Roessler, Peggy
Subject: RE: Severe Weather Shelter
Get the list of open contracts from Peggy Roesller.  Everyone gets a shot.

From: Wiesner, Randy
Sent: Fri 6/13/2008 13:19
To: Hank, George; Nelson, Larry; Schumacher, Al
Cc: Hacker, Marsha
Subject: Severe Weather Shelter

Larry, Al, attached are the final plans and special provisions, please review.  I did a quick estimate using generic prices on the internet and came up with $29,000 not including mobilization.  Based on open contracts in the database I would suggest the following contractors: Hammersley, Henshue, Homburg, Daniels, Speedway, and Terra.  Anyone else?
Hank, FYI and your review.  Sheet 4 of the plan shows 2 signs to be placed on the exterior of the door.
Marsha, Larry would like this on the BPW agenda for next week.  What else do you need from me to make that happen?  I am also going to try to get the 2008 warning siren specs done so they can go before the same board.  Is that possible?  I have the cover letter available to send to contractors but dont know Larry's target dates yet, or contractors list.