From: Mary Carbine []
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2007 1:25 PM
To: Peters, Tammy
Subject: BID Board, Jan. 4 meeting, action on 05065 Alcohol Density Plan

Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Blue

Hi Tammy,


Thanks so very much for your help in entering this information into Legistar!  Please contact me if you have any questions. � Mary Carbine


Committee:  BID Board (Madison�s Central Business Improvement District Board)


File Number:  05065 (Alcohol Density Plan)


Meeting:  January 4, 2007


Action:  Referred to next meeting, February 1, 2007.




Larry Lichte moved that the BID Board approve the Alcohol Density Subcommittee�s recommendation to refer the proposed Alcohol Density Plan to the February 1, 2007 meeting. Maria Milsted seconded. It was discussed that there needs to be more time for incoming BID Board Members, stakeholders and committees such as the DMI Economic Development and Quality of Life Downtown to understand and consider the proposed plan. The motion was approved unanimously.


Larry Lichte moved that the BID Board forward to the Public Safety Review Board, the Alcohol License Review Committee, Downtown Coordinating Committee, and Downtown Madison, Inc., Economic Development and Quality of Life Downtown committees, and incoming BID Board Members the:


A current update of the Alcohol Density Subcommittee�s work

Alcohol Density Subcommittee�s original report

Initial answers from city staff (Joel Plant) to questions posed in the BID memo of Dec. 7

Notes from the BID Dec. 13 public hearing

Any other documents BID staff feel are pertinent


and request that the DMI Economic Development and Quality of Life Downtown committees report back to the BID on their work and recommendations on the Density Plan.  Tom Beach seconded.  The motion was approved unanimously.





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Mary Carbine

Executive Director

Madison's Central Business Improvement District (BID)

615 East Washington Ave.

P.O. Box 71

Madison, WI  53701

t (608) 443-1973

f (608) 256-0333