Madison, WI Header
Meeting Name: BOARD OF HEALTH FOR MADISON AND DANE COUNTY Agenda status: Approved
Meeting date/time: 5/11/2017 5:00 PM Minutes status: Approved  
Meeting location: Atrium Community Rooms The Village on Park 2300 S. Park Street Madison
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #Boards, Commissions and CommitteesTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsWatch
47201 12.aBOH Meeting Minutes 4 13 17MiscellaneousBoard of Health Minutes for April 13, 2017 MeetingApprovePass Action details Not available
47202 15.a PresentationOrganization Assessment Results   Action details Not available
46226 16.aEnter into a one-year contract with up to one (1) one-year renewal with Host Compliance LLC to identify units being rented to tourists or guests such as Airbnb, VRBO, HomeAway, etc. at a cost of approximately $24,900.00 per yearResolutionAuthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a one-year contract with one (1) one-year renewal with Host Compliance LLC for the purpose of locating and identifying dwelling units or portions of dwelling units in the city being rented to tourists or guests on web platforms such as Airbnb, Vacation Rental By Owner (“VRBO”), HomeAway, and other similar web platforms at a cost of approximately $24,900.00 per year.Return to Lead with the Recommendation for Approval  Action details Not available
47203 16.bBOH Res on Hallway PurchaseBoard of Health ResolutionBOH Resolution #2017-05 Hallway PurchaseGrant Final Approval by the Board of HealthPass Action details Not available
47206 17.aVice Chair' Vice Chair's ReportReportVICE CHAIR'S REPORT - Mark Edgar - 5 minutes   Action details Not available
46758 17.bDirector's reportReportDIRECTOR'S REPORT - Janel Heinrich - 5 minutes   Action details Not available
47207 17.cEH DivisionReportENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION - Doug Voegeli - 5 minutes   Action details Not available
47208 17.dOps DivisionReportOPERATIONS DIVISION - Doug Voegeli - 5 minutes   Action details Not available
47209 17.eCH DivisionReportCOMMUNITY HEALTH DIVISION - Carl Meyer - 5 minutes   Action details Not available
47210 17.fPPE DivisionReportPOLICY, PLANNING AND EVALUATION DIVISION - Janel Heinrich - 5 minutes   Action details Not available
47211 18.aCOEReportCOMMITTEE ON THE ENVIRONMENT - Pat Lasky - 5 minutes   Action details Not available
47212 19.aECReportEXECUTIVE   Action details Not available
47213 19.bBudgetReportBUDGET   Action details Not available
47214 19.cPersonnelReportPERSONNEL   Action details Not available
47215 19.dAHCReportADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS   Action details Not available
47216 19.eSFACReportSAFE FOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Doug Voegeli - 5 minutes   Action details Not available