Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution approves the State Street Mall Capitol Concourse 2021/22 schedule of special charges for maintenance service. The City and property owners share these costs equally. Total expenditures for the 2021/22 service period were $1,400,915, with the City the property owners each paying $700,457. This amount is calculated based on a twelve (12) month billing cycle. The average monthly cost of $58,371 for 2021/22 is comparable to the 2020/21 average monthly cost of $57,543. Receipt of payments from the property owners is included in the 2022 Parks Division Adopted Operating Budget.
To approve the schedule of Special Charges for the State Street Mall/Capitol Concourse for 2021/22 Maintenance Charges.
WHEREAS, the State Street Mall and Capitol Concourse area (the Mall Concourse) serves as the heart of downtown Madison, and is a treasured part of the community. In recognition of the importance of this area, and in the interest of supporting continued economic development downtown and maintaining the quality of life in the area and the City itself, the City has a dedicated maintenance team (Mall Maintenance) that is responsible for providing additional services to this heavily used area, including, but not limited to, daily trash collection, snow removal, sidewalk cleaning, landscaping services, and other general maintenance needs; and,
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 35,075 dated October 23, 1979, mandated that a portion of the City's annual maintenance costs be specially charged to properties within the State Street Mall/Capitol Concourse District; and,
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 37,401 dated September 29, 1981, adopted a policy for calculating such special charges as current services rendered at the conclusion of the service year, pursuant to Section 66.0627, Wisconsin Statutes; and,
WHEREAS, since 1982, a portion of these extra costs incurred by the City to maintain the Mall Concourse area have been recovered by imposin...
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