Fiscal Note
The total cost of this reclassification is $3,325 annually or $2,493 for nine months. The Treasuer's office will use salary savings to accomodate this increase.
Recreating the position #706 of 1.0 FTE Administrative Clerk 1 in CG20-09 as an Account Clerk 3 (job class code # J004) in CG20-11, in the Treasurer’s Operating Budget; and reallocating the incumbent, M. Reamer, to the new position.
Resolution deleting and recreating the 1.0 FTE position #706 of Administrative Clerk 1 (CG 20, Range 09), as an Account Clerk 3 (CG20, Range 11 - job class code J004) in the Treasurer’s budget, and reallocating the incumbent (M. Reamer) to the new position, thereof.