Fiscal Note
This expenditure of approximately $147,600 is not in Metro's 2015 adopted capital budget. Due to the critical nature of the need for this software and hardware upgrade, Metro will use contingency reserve funds for the 20% local share. Federal grant funding will pay for 80% of the purchase.
SUBSTITUTE - Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a sole source contract with Trapeze Software Group, Inc. for a TransitMaster software and hardware upgrade at a cost of approximately $147,600 and amending the Metro Transit 2015 adopted capital budget as appropriate.
TransitMaster software helps Metro Transit maintain real time data and radio communications. There have been increasingly frequent failures of the microwave link Metro currently relies on. This software and hardware upgrade will alleviate those failures during which radio communication between drivers and supervisors is impaired, Metro loses GPS location of its fleet, and real time data to customers calling the Customer Service Center or using bus apps is unavailable. Failures of the data link interferes with Metro's ability to manage its business and provide dependable, quality service to customers.
The version of TransitMaster that is currently being used by Metro relies on operating system software that will no longer be supported by Microsoft after July 2015. The software and hardware to be installed during this project will rely on Microsoft operating system and database software with long term support.
WHEREAS, Metro Transit is in need of this TransitMaster software in order to provide critical upgrades, and;
WHEREAS, This software will 1) upgrade TransitMaster to version 28.x; 2) provide an Application Programming Interface (API) to provide reliable access to real time data for staff and customers; and 3) upgrade the radio network controllers at Larken Tower RNL, and;
WHEREAS, This software will 1) upgrade TransitMaster to version 14.x; 2) provide a p...
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