Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an Amendment to the contract between Madison and MSA Professional Services for additional design engineering services for CTH M. (1st AD)
The City is proposing to reconstruct County Trunk Highway M (CTH M) from Prairie Hill Road to Cross Country Road in 2014/2015. The consultant's services will include traffic modeling of current and future traffic volumes, the completion of preliminary plans and the Environmental Assessment report and Final Plans & Specifications. The project also includes the reconstruction of CTH M/Midtown Road and CTH M/CTH PD intersections. The consultant's services include intersection analysis to determine the possibility for Traffic Signals or a Roundabout at these intersections.
The City Engineer recommends that additional design services be undertaken HNTB Corporation. They are:
1. Additional design alternative analysis for CTH M & CTH PD intersection
2. Phase 2 Archaeological Survey
3. Determination of Eligibility form for National Register of Historic Places
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an Amendment to the contract between Madison and MSA Professional Services for additional design engineering services for CTH M
Fiscal Note
Estimated cost $22,413
Budget authority is available in Acct. No. CS53-58250-810571-00-53W0730 "Major Street Projects"
City of Madison: $10,522
City of Verona: $685
Dane County: $11,206