Fiscal Note
No additional appropriation is required. Project #23 of the 2010 Parks Adopted Capital Budget contains funding of $1,030,000 for Lisa Link Peace Park. The services referenced in this resolution will be paid from this capital project.
Authorizing an amendment to the contract between the City of Madison and Ken Saiki Designs, Inc., in the amount of $62,300 for additional architectural and engineering design services for the Lisa Link Park Improvements project.
Whereas, the parties, the City of Madison ("City") and Ken Saiki Design, Inc. ("Architect" or "Contractor") entered into a contract for purchase of architectural and engineering design services for Lisa Link Peace Park on April 6, 2009 and,
Whereas, this amendment is the continuation of development and preparation of architectural and engineering design, plans and specifications, preparation of bid documents, assistance in the bid process and construction administration for the design and construction of a new building, including site development work, for Lisa Link Peace Park located at 452 State Street, and,
Whereas, the Architect provided additional architectural schematic design services to redesign the visitor center building, by removing the cone rooftop design feature, adding an ATM machine, and additional appearances before the Urban Design Commission for the additional fee of $6,000, and,
Whereas, the Architect will provide additional architectural and engineering construction administration services to complete site civil, landscaping, architectural, structural, mechanical HVAC systems, plumbing, and electrical engineering design for an additional fee of $56,300 and,
Whereas, it has been determined by the Architect that shared savings for construction administration services is not possible with the City's West Gilman St. Reconstruction project (#6300) beginning on June 8, 2010 and scheduled for completion on August 13, 2010, and,
Whereas, the additional services exceed the expenditure authorized in Resolution #RES-09-00013, and exceed the predicted quantity of work described in the existing contract, such that they are "Extra Services" under Sections 10 and 24 and not "Additional Services" under Article VII. of Attachment 1, and
Now, Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk are authorized to execute Amendment No.1 to Contract #6380 between the City and Ken Saiki Designs, Inc. to authorize the additional work as described above and payment in the amount not to exceed $62,300.