Fiscal Note
No fiscal impact is anticipated.
SUBSTITUTE - Amending Section 28.04(24)(b) and creating new Section 28.12(11)(l) of the Madison General Ordinances to make the procedure for evaluating certain planned commercial sites consistent with practice.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: In practice, certain planned commercial sites are treated as conditional uses. This amendment recognizes them as similar to conditional uses, making the ordinance language consistent with long-time practice.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
1. Subdivision (b) entitled "General Regulations" of Subsection (24) entitled "Planned Commercial Site" of Section 28.04 entitled "General Provisions" of the Madison General Ordinances is amended to read as follows:
"(b) General Regulations. A planned commercial site created after October 6, 1998 shall have a plan and reciprocal land use agreement approved by the Traffic Engineer, City Engineer and Director of Planning and Development recorded in the office of the Dane County Register of Deeds. An existing planned commercial site may not be changed without approval by the Traffic Engineer, City Engineer and Director of Planning and Development, or approval of the Plan Commission. Every planned commercial site shall front on a public street. In every A planned commercial site containing more than 4 50,000 square feet of gross floor area and where 25,000 square feet of gross floor area is designed or intended for retail use or for hotel or motel use shall be subject to the procedure for approving a conditional use in Sec. 28.12(11). the Urban Design Commission shall review said site and make a recommendation to the Plan Commission regarding all development within the site; and the Urban Design Commission and the Plan Commission shall retain continuing jurisdiction over the entire site. "
2. New Subdivisi...
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