Fiscal Note
No City appropriation required.
Amending the Report of the Lamp House Block Ad Hoc Plan Committee
WHEREAS, the Frank Lloyd Wright designed Robert M. Lamp House (the “Lamp House”) was constructed in 1903 and is located in the interior of the block bounded by E. Mifflin St., N. Butler St., E. Washington Ave., and N. Webster St., one and a half blocks from Capitol Square; and
WHEREAS, the Lamp House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is a City of Madison designated Landmark; and
WHEREAS, on September 17, 2013, the Common Council adopted a resolution (Legistar file #31386) creating the eight-member Lamp House Block Ad Hoc Plan Committee (the “Committee”) “to advise the Plan Commission and the Common Council about an appropriate vision and special area plan for the Lamp House Block”; and
WHEREAS, the Committee developed the Report of the Lamp House Block Ad Hoc Plan Committee (the “Report”) that contained a vision for the block and recommendations to achieve that vision, which was referred to the Urban Design Commission, Landmarks Commission, and Plan Commission before being accepted by the Common Council on February 25, 2014 (Legistar file #32645), and subsequently adopted by the Common Council as a supplement to the Downtown Plan on March 4, 2014 (Legistar file #33259); and
WHEREAS, on July 20, 2021, the Common Council considered, but did not approve, a proposed amendment to the Downtown Height Map in the Zoning Code to reflect the recommendations in the Report of the Lamp House Block Ad Hoc Plan Committee (Legistar file #65918); and
WHEREAS, some of the Report’s recommendations regarding preserving views from the Lamp House and public views to the Lamp House could present challenges for future redevelopment of adjacent parcels and providing some flexibility in these recommendations may support new construction while preserving the Lamp House site.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council hereby am...
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